Here are some of selected projects I have worked on which are not yet publicly available, but which are relevant reference points for potential employers or production partners.
Supernatural Planet: (2021)
*series launch 2.Dec.2022
National Geographic series on Disney+
My roll: B-Kamera / Drone Pilot
Vi fulgte isbjørn og sel i Nor-Vest Svalbard for å vise hvordan lukt-sansen brukes for å overleve i kulde.
National Geographic serie til Disney+
World Tour of Bergen (2021)
*launches 1.Dec.2022
My Roll: Producer / Director / Camera / Editor
Standup Special og dokumentar med komikeren Christoffer Schjelderup. Vi fulgte Christoffer over flere forestillinger for å få et innblikk bak kulissene, som la seerne inn i tankeprosessen bak vitsene, og forholdet mellom komikeren på scenen og sitt publikum.
My roll: Producer / Camera / Editor
I samarbeid med Bærekraftige liv.
Fire-kamera produksjon av flere foredrag om miljøvennlige tema.
RSM teambuilding aftermovie (2022)
*internal use only
My roll: Camera / drone pilot / edit
Corporate team building event in Voss, where employees took part in one of 9 different sports each, as well as group dinners and evening entertainments. A team of 9 of us followed along and filmed each sport - I covered the kayaking - and each sport's footage was then collated and edited together on the same day in order to be shown on a projector at the closing party that evening. Full 5 minute version here.
Zone 3 Winter 22 wetsuit collection (2021)
My roll: editor
Footage from client edited to suit various socials and webshop headers.
STAS Artist 2022
My roll: Editor / Camera
Advert for new stand-up comedy show - to be used on all social media platforms. Shown here simultaneously for fomat comparison - stories version in colour, and feed version behind that in black and white.
Lazarus (2022)
*live at Den Nasjonale Scene until Nov 2022
My roll: A-camera
The Bergen version of David Bowie's musical Lazarus is presented as a "live cinematic-theatrical experience", where the stage is obscured by a semi-transparent projector screen for the first half of the show. The public watch the show from my perspective as I move around inside the set, using wide open aperture to give a narrow depth of field, which gives a cinematic look to the image and helps direct attention. For the second half of the show we raise the black curtain behind the projector screen, such that the public can see through the projection to the set (including me with the camera) - creating a double-exposure effect of close ups and full wide perspective at the same time.
Trustfall (2021)
*currently on festival circuit
My roll: A-camera & Drone Pilot
Kortfilm om tillit. Et ektepar som driver med wingsuit flygning og base hopping, som tøyer grensene om hva som er mulig for utøvere i toppen av luftsport.
Banff Film festival - Official selection
Kendall Mountain Film Festival - Official selection
Biff Film Festival - Official selection
The Island (2021)
*Series launch 9.Sept.2022
My roll: Field producer / Camera/ Drone
Episode om isbreer og hvordan de formet øyen og landskapet som er å se i Irland i dag.
Intervju med ekspert hos Briksdalsbreen, samt oversiktsbilde fra område og b-roll.
Til episode 3 av 3 - “water”
Birkenstock Winter 22 collection (2022)
My roll: Camera / Editor
Collaboration with Eye_C Magazine. Videos designed to be edited 'seamlessly' for continuous playback on screeens in shops and on brand's homepage.
Dagens Video - Ekstremsportveko (2019-2023)
My roll: Camera / Drone / Editor
Filmet, klippet, og så vist til festival teltet og sendt på TV2 hver dag i 7 dager hvert år.
Bærekraftige Liv 2021
My roll: Camera / Editor
Promotional trailers of footage from a live debate - for use on social media platforms